Laughter Tips for the Workplace
- Look for the funny things that always exist like typos, the funny actions of your co-workers, your own funny behavior.
- Give your projects comical names like Quasimoto or Thumper.
- Have mindless toys on your desk and take short breaks to play with them.
- Wear a funny hat to express or change your attitude.
- Use cartoons to help with communication.
- Play with the idea of stress--learn to celebrate it.
- Laugh with your co-workers for a few minutes for no real reason at all.
- Under your clothes, wear a T-Shirt with a saying that lightens you up.
- Find playful ways to lighten up conflict with co-workers, ie., Certain toys that diffuse conflict; develop lightly humorous things to think or say; use comical visualizations that help you keep perspective.
- Exaggerate and play with the issues that annoy you most.
- Incorporate elements of a game into your work. For example, give yourself a prize for completing a project; divide the project into a football field and see each stage of completion as a first down; give yourself a cheer; develop a ritualized, playful way of turning on your computer.
- Laugh for 5 min. in your car on the way to work.
- Wear light-hearted, temporary tattoos that help you cope.
- Wear a light-hearted tie, scarf, or some other kind of clothing that will help you feel good and playful. Wear funny underwear if it is a serious day or meeting and outer attire must match accordingly.
© Enda Junkins, LCSW, LMFT, BCD
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